Saturday, August 17, 2013

Odd Jobs

Demolition was a huge part of my work experience at the IZ ranch this year, but it was not the only thing I did for two weeks! We were also asked to do a few other odd jobs.

The first odd job we had was to take apart a fence. There was three of us working on a fence that was connected to the first shed we tore down. So in order to knock down the shed, we had to tear apart the old rustic fence. At certain points it was quite difficult because the fence used tree trunks as part of the structure. So along the way, we had to push through branches and other bushes. We cut the old wire, and wrenched out the old bolts, collecting the metal pieces as we went along. This job was difficult at first, but putting your head down and focusing was all you needed to see the job done! And our team worked well together - and we finished in no time!

Next, my team took apart a corral! This was similar to tearing apart the fence, but it was much bigger, with a lot more wood boards to clean up. We used the Skidster tractor and the Gradall to pick up our scraps that we tore apart. We also used both of the tractors to rip apart the old corral. Once we had all the boards and nails cleared away, we used the Skidster to pull out the big posts. To pull out the old eroded wood post, we connected a chain to the bucket of the Skidster and wrapped the other end of it around the post. We lifted up the bucket to pull out the post and drop it on the ground next to the hole. This odd job took a couple days. 

Lastly, it was really important for us to clean the property. This meant picking up trash and old boards as well as making scrap piles of wood, trash, and metal to sort out everything. This was an ongoing task. Throughout our time working, we constantly had to clean while we were going. Some days it seemed that was the only job - cleaning up! But because the last owners of Beaver Creek left so much random stuff, we had to sort through everything and get the property organized. The metal scraps piled high! At the end of our time, we would have a tractor come out that drives over the metal pile with a magnet and picks up the pile. How cool is that? So as much as it was a tedious job to sort through the trash, metal scraps and wood pieces, it was well worth it because we want to keep the ranch as beautiful as it can be! 

Trying to keep the Ranch this beautiful.

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