This summer I had the awesome opportunity to work at Beaver Creek IZ Ranch in Oregon! So much happened while I was there! I learned a lot about working with others, the up-keep of a such a large property, and numerous skills needed to keep IZ Ranch in tact. There were definitely ups and downs, but my overall experience definitely helped me understand how such a large agricultural business is productive and successful from essentially the ground up.
For my first blog post, I would love to sort of fan out the basics of a daily routine for working life at IZ ranch. We would wake up every morning at 5:30 am. I know what some of you are thinking, "That is TOO early!" It was a bit rough to adjust to at first, but it was really nice waking up with the intentions of working hard and to see the sun rise. We would get ready, eat breakfast, have a devotional, pack lunches and then be out working by 7:30am. The piece of property I was working at was brand new this year since it was just purchased. With that being said, a lot of things needed to be done to whip this property into shape! We would be assigned various jobs from our "boss", the ranch manager who lives out on the ranch year round. We would not have direct communication from the ranch manager. Usually, our team leader would talk directly to him and then forward to us, his team, the work that needed to be done. Then we would spend the entire day working at our specific task. I will get into these jobs specifically in another blog post, but they were fun and challenging as I was learning a variety of new skills! A break for lunch was permitted as we needed to fuel ourselves into the afternoon. At the end of the work day, around 4:00, 5:00, or 6:00 pm (depending on when the job for that day was complete), we would stop and head back to the headquarters (HQ) on the ranch. Beaver Creek IZ is a thirty minute drive from HQ, so each day after wrapping up our job, we would head back and make the trek back. We would clean up and all eat dinner together. There were 8 team members with one team leader and then two more team members joined the second week. We would enjoy a bit of recreational or free time with our team and head to bed so we could brave the early morning the next day.
This is just a snapshot of IZ Ranch life! I hope you read on to see some of the finer details of my team as a ranch girl!
Two team members ready to work!
At the start of the work day.
Getting the work assignment.
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